Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I've got a praise! Before I get started, let me say I am not pregnant...that I know of! With that said, here's my praise- I ovulated!!! I bet you're wondering why this is such a big deal. Well, if you remember back to a few posts ago, I mentioned that my doctor did not prescribe me chlomid this month because we were waiting on the CF results. That means that I ovulated without any medication!!! So now I'm finding myself in a position I wasn't sure I would get to be in this month...waiting to find out if I'm pregnant or not!!! I can't help but think back to what God was teaching me these past few weeks, He is POWERFUL !

On another note, Nolan's B-day/memorial/playground dedication party is officially scheduled for November 7th from 4:30-5:30 at the church. There will be food, cake (or possibly cupcakes), Michael and I speaking for just a little bit, a moonwalk, and hopefully the playground! I'm hoping to get invitations out soon, so get ready!


Becca said...

Yay I am so happy for you! The situation earlier this month might have been implantation instead of a period :) I was sure I wasn't pregnant at first, b/c I had sort of the same symptom and had a neg. pregnancy test... then I just took another one 2 weeks later just to be safe before I started the next round of Chlomid (it can cause a miscarriage). I will keep you guys in my prayers! God is in control.... that little phrase gives me so much comfort and I'm sure it does for you two also. Love you!!!!!

Emily H said...

I hope everything goes well!