Monday, December 15, 2008


A few days ago I started to read a book called "Holding on to Hope". It's a bible study on Job and his journey through suffering. The author herself lost two babies of her own. A couple things I've read that have really comforted me or given me hope (I can see why she titled the book what she did):

Job's ability to praise the Lord, even though he just lost all that he had, and that at the end of Job it says he lived a long, good life. Even after all his suffering, his life was still described as good.

Sometimes I really want to skip to the part where my life is good again (okay- all the time), but I know it takes going through this time of pain to get there. Part of me wants to ask, how will it ever be good again? Won't I always feel that a part of me is missing? But God has been good, and He has surrounded me with others that have gone through their own loss. The comfort they offer me is this, yes- you will always feel that missing part, but it won't hurt the same.

A memory of Nolan- When he was still in my belly, Nolan used to get the hiccups all the time. The first time I felt them I wasn't sure what they were, but after feeling the little bump a few times in a row, I had it figured out. I used to love just putting my hand on my stomach and feeling him hiccup for a little while.

1 comment:

jmstone said...

I'll never forget those hiccups! :-) I love the pictures you took from the snow. You guys are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Let's hang out again ya and miss ya!