Sunday, January 4, 2009

Returning to work

So, I'm definitely going back to work tomorrow. I know it's time, but I don't think that makes it any easier. I had planned on staying home with Nolan, so when I left to go on bed rest, I thought that I was done and had mentally detached. I'm hoping that if I do have a melt down tomorrow that it's either before school or after when I'm with Michael. I got two picture frames and picked out pictures of Nolan that I'm going to put on my desk tomorrow and show my students. There's a part of me that is nervous about what the students may say, but I think it's actually children that respond best to loss. Adults tend to be cautious in what they say and most of the time try to avoid anything that might be awkward or uncomfortable. Kids just say their honest thoughts and feelings. Today in church two of my friends little girls (who are 4) were sitting by me at the beginning of church. One of the little girls asked the other one if she knew that I had had a baby that died. The second little girl said yes and they talked about getting to see him at the funeral. To be honest, I was touched that they remembered Nolan and they weren't afraid to talk about him. My students are 4th graders, but I'm sure they'll react more like the two little girls than adults. I did visit them for a short time before Christmas, but they were so excited to tell me about the 2 new students and what their Christmas plans were that there was no time for talking about anything else.
Well, I guess my blog was short today. Again I feel like I have so much more to say but need to get to bed (I'm not used to having to wake up early anymore!!). I know God will give me the strength to make it through tomorrow- I'm so grateful for that! Hopefully I'll be able to write a post tomorrow night saying how great the day was.

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