Friday, April 10, 2009

Nolan's tree!!!

Nolan's tree is blooming!!! I'm so excited! I had really started to think that it wasn't going to bloom (our neighbor has the same tree and it had been blooming for a couple weeks) and that we had planted it to soon. I can't tell you how sad that made me. So yes, this is an answer to prayer! Michael went out to get Colby this morning and called me to come out to look at something. Lately Colby has been finding strange (like a stuffed carrot!) toys and bringing them back to our patio with him. So I thought Michael wanted me to see yet another toy Colby had found. It was much better than that! His tree is absolutely beautiful! We were already running late to get somewhere, so I took some quick pictures of it this morning. I played with my new editing software and below are the photos!!!


Melissa said...

ahhh i love these!!! thanks for posting them. didnt see these yesterday lol. love you and so glad that it is blooming :) it's beautiful!

Unknown said...

AWWWWW.. that is too cool!!!! I hope you guys have a great Easter with your family!!!

jmstone said...

Yay! There's nothing like God's creations that speak the loudest to us. I find myself most connected with God through nature and admiring His beauty. Great photos Davra and how fun to have the editing software to play with!