Monday, March 2, 2009


I feel like this post is long over due. I've been stalling in the hope of having some news, but as of right now, there is no news (good or bad). I've never been a patient person. It seems like there is nothing better than trying to get pregnant to teach patience. I hope this is not to much information for anyone, but I am almost two weeks late without a positive pregnancy test. I've been told by many moms that this is normally. It takes awhile to get back on track. The difficult part about this is that I have no idea now when to expect it, or when I should know that I've missed it. I'm too embarrassed to admit how many pregnancy test I've already taken, but on the advice of a friend that's been through this, I've decided not to take one for AT LEAST another week. So if you see me during the week, feel free to ask me if I have stayed true to this (I need some accountability!). Some days I'm able to pray about it and give my worry and anxiety about it over to God completely, but some days I can't seem to let go of it.

Last year I went to a women's conference with my church. I'll never forget when the praise and worship leader got up and spoke. She shared her story of trying to get pregnant and then adopting. The phrase that stuck with me is "God is in the waiting". I feel like often times I'm just living for that next big thing, which for Michael and I would be getting pregnant. But God hasn't called me to wait to live my life until I get what I'm waiting for. So this is my current struggle and prayer, that I would be content with where God has me right now. That I would be joyful in my current circumstance.


Unknown said...

HOW frustrating!!!! I don't know about you, but I'd rather have everything work like clockwork than be teased by being late. It's torture. I hope it all works out.

jmstone said...

I just want to say that you're truly an amazing person and God will give you all the patience you need to make it through each day. He gives it to you through faith, hope and love, and through the family and friends around you. You're not expected to get through this struggle alone, and I will continue to pray that God is with you in the waiting. Love ya girlie!