Monday, March 30, 2009

TAKS is almost here!

It's been a long time again! So let me get you caught up on how things are going. Spring break was WONDERFUL!!! A much needed break. Plus we got to see Matthew and Casey (my brother-in-law and sister-in-law), and that's always fun! We went to go see bluebonnets and they let me practice taking pictures of them. Which I plan on posting them very soon! I also bought photo editing software over the break. Very exciting! But now I have to really figure out how to use it.
I have to admit, I was not excited about having to come back to school, mainly because I got used to sleeping in again. I really think that if they just started school one to mabye two hours later it would be the perfect job. I love my job! (except for the whole TAKS thing) Fortunately that is almost over too!! It's crazy, but the most fun time in school is always the last month. It's stress free and you can do activities that there just wasn't enough time for before because you were preparing for the TAKS (but not teaching TO the TAKS!). The kids are always more relaxed and I am definitely more relaxed- although last year I was also nauseated the entire day due to extreme morning sickness- but it was still my favorite part of the year! So, I'm excited that TAKS is almost here and over and I'll get to really enjoy my kiddos and teaching for the rest of the year!

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