Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thank You

Last night Michael and I got a cd and dvd of pictures that a volunteer took of Nolan after he passed away. This volunteer is a professional photographer and is a member of the group As I lay me down to sleep. I am so thankful for this man and this group. He came to the hospital in the middle of the night and took beautiful pictures of our son (at no cost to us), put them to music on a dvd, and then mailed them to us. Throughout this whole time, there have been so many wonderful people that have helped Michael and I. Some we have gotten to meet and thank, some I'm not sure we'll ever get the chance to meet, but we are forever grateful. Just to name a few: the volunteer that gave of her time to take photos of Nolan, Michael, and myself and then put some in a cute little scrapbook (I believe she does this every Weds. for parents with children in the NICU), a group of volunteers from a church that knit and sew clothes and blankets for babies that have passed away- without the outfit they made, Michael and I would not have had an outfit to dress Nolan in (we were completely caught of guard at a routine dr. appt. so we did not have anything packed for Nolan or ourselves), and the many friends and family that have cooked us dinner or just come and visit. I am so amazed at how willing people are to give of themselves to help Michael and I, even people that don't know us. I just want to thank everyone that has helped us and express my gratitude.
Instead of ending with a memory, I'd like to share some pictures of Nolan that we got last night. Some of them are to personal to share, but they are absolutely beautiful, so I'd like to post some of them. (Just tried to put in pictures and for some reason they would only go to the top of the post- so the pictures at the top are the pictures I'm talking about. If anyone is better with computers then I am, please give me advice. I can't figure out how to get the pics to go where I want them. I'm horrible with technology!)


Krysta said...


You've continued to be in my thoughts and prayers over the past few weeks. Thanks for sharing your heart on here and letting us all know how to pray for you.

As to the technology question, it generally works to drag the picture down to where you want it. In other words, just click and hold down on the picture and then scroll down to where you want to place it. It's kind of annoying, because you have to use the sidebar to scroll down your message (you can't just drag the pic all the way down in one shot) and if you get below the message box it won't let you "drop" it. So you'll have to drop it multiple times before you can get it down to the end of the post. Hope this helps!

You are loved!

In Him,

Becca said...

Those pictures are so precious and I love looking at every picture I can of Nolan. He looks absolutely perfect. Thank you for sharing them. You and Michael are still in my prayers. Love you, Becca

Whitney said...

So beautiful and precious

Janine said...

Hi again.
Beautiful little boy. Beautiful pictures.

If dragging the pics doesn't work then go to the html tab after you've posted a picture. You'll be able to see where each picture starts and ends because they're all their own paragraph (you won't see the picture, just the jumbled up letters that somehow make the picture). Copy the paragraph and then paste it where you want it. Then go back and delete the original paragraph.
Or, for an easier way ..... post the pictures first and then blog around them.
Hope that helps.